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Divorce Financial Savvy

Considering divorce? Concerned about the financial consequences? Are you worried:


  • You won't have enough money to maintain a stable lifestyle for you and your children?

  • You won't be able to stand up to your ex and negotiate a fair agreement?

  • You won't be able to avoid giving up your power and choices to a judge?


I work with divorcing couples or individuals who want to make the best financial decisions possible. I help them understand their options and make powerful, informed choices, saving them stress, time, and money.




  • Understanding your options and confidently making the best decisions possible.

  • Knowing exactly what needs to happen to create and maintain your post-divorce lifestyle.

  • Being in control and making proactive choices, instead of having them made for you.

  • Standing your ground with strength, grace and dignity.

  • Feeling comfortable and at ease, knowing your children will be safe, secure and cared for.


For individuals going through separation and divorce, I offer several services:


Divorce Financial Analysis  

One of the most difficult parts of negotiating a divorce is developing a financial solution that both parties can agree to. Successful negotiations hinge on gathering the needed financial information, filling out the forms required by the courts and analyzing how an equitable divsion can be made. My focus will be on helping you understand your current financial standing as well as the options you have in structuring a settlement that will work for you in the long-term.


Divorce Coaching 

Divorce brings up all sorts of doubts and fears in everyone, not the least of which is the fear that we will make unwise decisions that will have serious impact on the rest of our life and the lives of our children. You don't have to be alone as you face these decisions.


Coaching is not therapy or mentoring. In our work together you will set goals about what you want to accomplish. Our work will be to help you achieve those goals, understand the steps you need to take in the divorce process, while addressing the blocks and fears that come up along the way. I am confident that the answers you are looking for are within you and that you can come through this part of your life with more clarity and a sense of empowerment. 


Divorce Mediation 

I'll work with both parties, either together or separately, to mediate the points of a Master Settlement Agreement so that control over the final decisions can be in your hands and not the hands of the court. Mediation Sessions will be three hours in length.



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